Saturday, May 21, 2011

Manifestation of a thought....

The thought that is manifested within comes from which location? Which location does a thought originally come from? The most simple and plain answer that I can come up with is past experiences. You might not see it, but the thoughts we are constantly producing is only the combination and culmination of many thoughts to create an overall great thought. The epitome of a thought comes down to multiple pieces of a puzzle to create one finalized puzzle. The difficult thing as with any thought is the changing of the picture on that puzzle. Thoughts change and evolve constantly, kind of like an ever ripening fruit, but it is only later that you will find out if that fruit has been eaten or decomposed and rotted away. The funniest part of understanding what a thought is and the culmination of a thought is the idea of how our thought process thinks out a thought and how it is actually mentally manifested as well. Without the alter ego to support your thought, question, second guess, and analyze this thought you would not be able to have any thoughts. As soon as you think of something the human mind is constantly analyzing and scrutinizing this thought and wondering if it will be acceptable in the realm of society where you have grown up or currently reside. Without having an alter ego you wouldn't have many good thoughts at all, and I would go as far as to say that you might not actually have any coherent thoughts at all. As human beings like to attribute and understand themselves as constantly being stable in their mind and somewhat normal we are all really just a little bit crazy. Don't we all speak to ourselves, whether it be on a subconscious level or on a conscious level? Just by thinking out loud or in your head you have really just established a second person because at that point are you speaking in the second person? Are you saying I? I know that when I think to myself I am constantly speaking towards myself through the you and I, as in the first and second person. The realization of how a thought is procreated only helps the individual scrutinize their own thought, but since you have already subconsciously scrutinized your thought then most likely you have already a somewhat polished thought that is only being polished consciously.

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