Monday, November 14, 2011


"The truth is lost among all the contradictions and absurdities" Bernardo Carvalho... The truth is something that can be so simply distorted. Distorted to the extent that will be manipulated to that person's benefit. The benefits of truth are something marvelous, but can be so difficult to obtain. The actual extent of truth that lies in this world is difficult to measure. The current problem with pinning down something to be 100% accurate or truthful, will be distorted by the person that has interpreted that subject and the person who will reinterpret it... These interpretations, in-turn, will then be flawed or changed to benefit that person or to possibly reflect the morals that this particular person embraces in every day life. This world is so full of hypocrites and people constantly contradicting themselves, it sometimes makes no sense at all. The truth is something that is obtainable, but at times can be difficult to grasp. Currently the human race is seeing a convergence of ideas on the international stage, with the constant compression downwards to suppress the modern human being. Currently, in the world, people from multiple countries all can relate to each other, and relate to each other well. With the relation between people being so easily established and having common morals and values in mind, a suppression towards the common person will be eventually unobtainable unless people continue to blind themselves towards movements and realities that exist. Sometimes people choose to accept what goes on around them, and sometimes people do not. It has proved again and again throughout history that a monumental event proves to be the turning point to human evolution. Possibly, the time is not now, but I am optimistic towards everything, and it is impossible to ensure that powerful organizations will always control the world. Awareness is key, and awareness will eventually lead to truth, at least we can hope for some part of the truth...

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